Even when you’re not at gym you can learn new skills and get fitter and stronger at home and outside too. You don’t need fancy equipment- but do make sure you have space. You’ll need space to do the exercise plus extra space spare just in case.
Here are some ideas;
- Go upstairs on your hands and feet- get used to feeling weight down through your hands.
- Brush your teeth whilst balancing on one foot (don’t forget the other foot too!)
- Try the British Gymnastics #gymnastsAtHome challenges
- Find some monkey bars- you can try chin ups, leg lifts and just have some monkey fun.
Workouts to try at home;
- 18 workouts from leading coaches, gymnasts and choreographers to inspire you
- Join Max Whitlock for his quick HIIT workouts
- Improve your middle splits
- Improve your right and left leg splits (make sure you do both)
- Improve your bridges
- Improve your handstand strength and shape
- Try our CGC bars workout
- Try our CGC handstand and hand balancing programme
- Join our coach Rowan for beginner’s 30 minute workouts. Workout 1 and Workout 2
For more advanced conditioning;
- Shoulder flexibility: Start with exercise 1 and 3.
- Straddle lever conditioning ideas
- Preparation for elephant lifts to handstand
Watch gymnastics:
- Try Gym Stars and see if you can spot Sarah or Hazel judging at the big comps!
Gym at home – tips for parents of children aged 3 – 6
At age 3 children need lots of short ten minute bursts of activity, mixed with lots of short ten minute rests. As they get older they can cope with longer periods of activity, so that by age 6 they can keep moving for up to 30 minutes at a time. They will get tired and need to rest for ten or fifteen minutes and then they will be ready to get up and play again. In total children need about 3 hours of active play every day. If they do this they will naturally build strength, agility, and basic gymnastics skills, as they play.
Work on the Cherwell Gymnastics Badges 1, 2 and 3
First, have your child learn each skill by itself
Then, put 2 skills together into a flowing movement
Add skills until you have a whole routine
Make ordinary life active and fun:
Walk to school and the shop
Take the dog for a walk and do lots of running, throwing and catching
If you don’t have a dog, invent an imaginary one, and make sure you take him/ her for a walk/run every day!
Have fun playing active games with your small child or children, such as:
Learn to ride a balance bike
Tig/ tag games including feet-off-ground
Hop scotch
Jumping over a rocking skipping rope
Bouncing, throwing and catching a ball
Dancing to music
Give your child a chance to strengthen their arms:
Outside, climbing and swinging
Indoors, play at being cats, lizards, and other animals
Gym at home – tips for parents of children aged 7 – 10
By age 7 children can cope with longer periods of activity. They will be able to be learn more complicated rules, and develop skills such as riding a pedal cycle and skipping with a rope. As they are growing make sure they have got plenty of space – take them outside to whatever park or playing field you can reach and run round with them. If your child can’t get in to the gym to take part in classes, sign up to the online classes or have your child follow the “conditioning” workout to stretch and strengthen muscles. Encourage your child/ren to really vary their activity, and work on a range of skills. The badge schemes are good for this.
Work on the Cherwell Gymnastics Badges 1 to 5
First, have your child learn each skill by itself
Then, put 2 skills together into a flowing movement
Add skills until you have a whole routine
Choose some music and practise the routine to music
Gym at home – tips for children aged 11 – 14 and their parents
By age 11 most children will be growing fast, and your lives are busy, so fitting in gymnastics practise and conditioning can be challenging. Your bodies are changing rapidly, and you may find that skills you could perform easily suddenly elude you. Be patient, continue with a gentle programme of training, and you will get the skills back. By age 14 many young people are close to their full height, and are coming into their adult strength. When this happens, you will find you can run faster, jump higher, and train for longer. During the Coronavirus outbreak there are limits to what sports and activities you can take part in, but one day this will be over – sooner than later, we hope! If you build your strength, stamina and flexibility at home, you will be ready when you get the chance to try new activities.
Gym at home – tips for young people aged 15 – 19
At this age, your body is almost full-grown, and you are putting in place habits that will last you a lifetime. Make the time to practise gymnastics and to do complete conditioning exercises every week. If you can’t get in to gymnastics classes during the Coronavirus outbreak, do conditioning workouts at home so that when you do get back to the gym your body will be ready.